Monday, November 10, 2008

Fairness Doctrine?

"The Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have [to] bare the secrets of government and inform the people." - Hugo L. Black

The Washington post is tilted left as is most of the MSM!

Obama cuts off radio station from interviews.

Pelosi wants the 'Fairness Doctrine' reinstated (what's fair about it?)

Does anyone see a pattern here? The media is okay as long as it supports the liberals but woe be unto them who do not support their views! Bush bashing is considered okay in liberal camps & is done with glee, but 'Thou shalt not question liberal views'!

Do I detect just a tad bit of hypocrisy here? Is there perhaps a bit of treading on First Amendment Rights? When is the list coming out from the liberals as to what books we should burn?